On Jul 17, 2009, at 2:00 AM, Jan Kriesten wrote:

> Hi Scott,
>> There's a new 4.0 snapshot (not including this bug fix).  4.0.1 will
>> probably be out next week.
> I just tried the snapshot, there are following issues with it on my  
> side:
> - jsf
> [10:31:11.465] {main} 248:       <jsf fast-jsf='false'/>
> [10:31:11.465] {main} 249:     </web-app-default>
> [10:31:11.465] {main} 250:
> [10:31:11.465] {main}
> [10:31:11.474] {main} /usr/local/www/resin/conf/resin.xml:248:
> com.caucho.server.webapp.WebApp.createJsf():  
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> Could not initialize class com.caucho.jsf.cfg.JsfPropertyGroup
> Is that not supported any more?

We'll need to add that back for backward compatibility.

We're putting JSF and JPA on hold for now, so we can focus on  
improving the core of Resin.  In the meantime, we'll be using the  
reference implementations.  We'll revisit that decision in 6 months or  

> - <servlet-mapping url-pattern='/*' servlet-name='plugin_match'/>
> This isn't automaticall recognized by the any more and gives the  
> following error
> when using the apache-module:
> 2009-07-17 10:44:47,170 WARN  c.c.server.webapp.ErrorPageManager  -
> 'plugin_match' is not a known servlet.  Servlets must be defined
> by <servlet> before being used.

Thanks.  That's one of our failing regression tests that hasn't been  
fixed yet.

-- Scott
> Best regards, --- Jan.

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