
Is it really so that nobody uses JSPs and SecurityManager with Resin?
:) Could this problem be solved by pre-compiling jsps to Java classes?
Now we just let Resin handle the compilation from directories under



2009/8/25 Kai Virkki <kai.vir...@gmail.com>:
> Hi!
> We are trying to use SecurityManager with Resin 3.1.9 and run into the
> following problem: CodeSource.getLocation() returns null for compiled
> JSPs.
> This means that we cannot use a specific codebase in grant clause in
> our policy file, for example:
> grant codeBase "file:/path_to_resin/runtime/work/-" {
> OR grant codeBase "file:/path_to_resin/webapp/JSP-source/-" {
> ...some jsp-specific permissions
> };
> Instead, we have to use a universal grant clause:
> grant  {
> ..some jsp-specific permissions. Unfortunately, these will be applied
> to all code!!!
> };
> Is there a way to make JSPs have a proper CodeSource?
> Cheers,
> Kai

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