As a followup, after modifying the install script, he still could not  
get the Pro version to start. I'm sorry I don't have the exact error,  
but it had to do with the libexec64 JNI Libs. IIRC, one of the errors  
had to do with crc64. Sorry, I only saw this over his shoulder and did  
not write it down. Since I don't have SL installed, I have not been  
able to confirm this on my own machine.

Anyway, he "fixed" it by downgrading to the non-Pro version.


On Sep 15, 2009, at 09:54, Scott Ferguson wrote:

> Thanks.  I've filed this.  It looks like the ./configure script isn't
> detecting the 64-bit JDK.  ./configure uses java -version and pattern
> matches on the output to find 64-bit vs non-64-bit.
> -- Scott
> On Sep 14, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Rob Lockstone wrote:
>> I have not yet installed Snow Leopard. However, a co-worker has and  
>> he
>> couldn't get Resin running. This was with Resin 3.1.x and also 4.x.
>> Neither would work properly.
>> It looks like the Resin configuration/make scripts need to be  
>> updated.
>> Please see this blog entry (not by me) for details.

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