Hot deployment works fine for me out of the box, but note that Resin
doesn't immediately reload the webapp when web.xml or the war changes.
 You have to actually request a page, then the app will reload.

If you change JSP files they are picked up immediately, no reload necessary.


On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Rom Sok <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry about the newbie question, do I have to restart Resin every time I
> drop a new version of some file into the deployment directory? like say
> web.xml?
> Is there a way to just reload the app without doing the whole "Stop" - >
> "Quit" -> httpd.exe all over again?
> Also, is that what is called hot deployment? Or is there another term for
> redeploying an app without starting the server?
> Thanks,
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