On 25. juni 2010, at 17.53, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> Do you have any idea why the default would be working differently on 
> Resin? That library code shouldn't be directly dependent on Resin (we 
> don't provide anything like a TraversableResolver), but it's possible 
> that some classloader methods like ClassLoader.getResource are behaving 
> differently.


Thanks for asking :)

The TraversableResolver.isReachable has the following javadoc:

"Determine if the Bean Validation provider is allowed to reach the property 

The default validation.xml which comes with HibernateValidator 4.0.2 contains 
the following line:


and this class has the following method:

        public boolean isReachable(Object traversableObject, Path.Node 
traversableProperty, Class<?> rootBeanType, Path pathToTraversableObject, 
ElementType elementType) {
                return jpaTraversableResolver == null || 
                                traversableObject, traversableProperty, 
rootBeanType, pathToTraversableObject, elementType

You can find the full sourcecode of this class at http://bit.ly/bnQId6 and see 
how it obtains its jpaTraversableResolver.

So, when running under jetty jpaTraversableResolver is null and isReachable is 
returning true and we get all our attributes validated. Good :)

But... now I come to the part where I'm mostly guessing, when running under 
resin we have a jpaTraversableResolver in which isReachable seems to return 
false which cause our attributes to not get validated.

We are not using JPA in the application I'm working on now, but still when 
running under resin we have a javax.persistence.PersistenceUtil class in the 
classpath and DefaultTraversableResolver thinks we are running JPA. 

We have another project which uses JPA and it seems to have the same problem 
with not getting attributes validated. When DefaultTraversableResolver thinks 
we are using JPA it delegates to  
org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.JPATraversableResolver to check if an 
object is reachable. It seems to be something strange in the way 
JPATraversableResolver figures out if attributes is reachable or not since we 
don't get our attributes validated even in projects using JPA. 
JPATraversableResolver uses the following code:
  public boolean isReachable(Object traversableObject, Path.Node 
traversableProperty, Class<?> rootBeanType, Path pathToTraversableObject, 
ElementType elementType) {
                return traversableObject == null ||
traversableObject, traversableProperty.getName() );

(from http://bit.ly/apHvnZ)

Since my project does not use JPA and the workaround with adding our own 
TraversableResolver implementation to our validation.xml files solves this 
issue for us, I haven't does any more digging into this.

I guess there is two possible problems here:

1) DefaultTraversableResolver should have had a better way of detecting if we 
use JPA or not (other than looking for avax.persistence.PersistenceUtil in the 

2) In our projects using JPA the JPATraversableResolver.isReachable is 
returning false when it shouldn't. That might be a configuration or other 
problem on our side since this seems to work ok for others out there.

Anyway... both issues are related to HibernateValidator and we have a 
workaround for our issue. Great! ;-)

-Kaj :)

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