How are you getting the person's real name out of GAE's UserService?
I don't see that.  Maybe this is just something you get with Android

The short answer is to use OpenID (and OAuth to get permission on
extra fields).  But there is a problem with this - if you have a
database full of google ids (not openids) there's no way to migrate.
You can switch GAE to federated login and you'll get both the google
id and openid, which will let you start populating your database when
people log in, but to go full openid you'll have to do email matching
with the accounts that haven't set their openid.  Messy.


On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Stargazer <> wrote:
> We have a Resin powered JEE app and are expanding it to work with
> Android. One of the cool things on Android is you know the user is
> logged into a Google account. With the Google App Engine, you can do
> more that just authenticate since they provide all the back end service
> data. For example, if I created a simple App Engine app which asked for
> the Google id and password, I could then say "Hi John" having pulled
> John as the real username, rather than the email address.
> So to expand we can either (gulp) lose Resin and move entirely to the
> App Engine, which I really don't want to do, or replicate the
> authentication system Google uses, as in the simple example above, to do
> it on Resin (which is what I prefer). In other words I want to
> authenticate a valid Google user using Resin but never see the password.
> I see this issue as becoming more and more common, for example Google
> just opened the API for Google+, and a great use case for us is to be
> able to access a users circles from server side java.
> So as usual its over to you smarts on this list for ideas, or
> suggestions such as if I should be looking at some OpenId or whatever
> based system I can roll in ;-) Sincere thanks...
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