On Feb 1, 2012, at 2:51 AM, Rick Mann wrote:

> I have resin 4.0.23 installed. It seems to serve up WordPress 2.9.2 okay 
> (blog.roderickmann.org), but not WordPress 3.3.1 (latencyzero.com/wp/). The 
> default pages seem to load okay, but the admin pages only render the 
> left-hand controls, no content. I get the following error:
> WP_Screen::$this is an undeclared static field
> The two sites above are running in the same resin instance. The config for 
> each is slightly different.
> I always seem to trip over PHP issues with Resin, and get very little 
> response from you guys for them. This has kept me from ever considering 
> buying Quercus (you wouldn't even answer a question asking about what kind of 
> Quercus support I could expect to get if I did buy it).
> Hmm, looking around the site, it seems you don't even offer Quercus any more, 
> is that correct?

Hi Rick,

http://quercus.caucho.com is still the main Quercus site.  The library is 
bundled with Resin, inside resin.jar.  The best way to get the latest version 
is to download Resin Open-Source and use resin.jar.  We have not been producing 
separate Quercus downloads recently.

Please understand that we have not entirely abandoned Quercus, it is just on 
the back-burner as we focus on Resin.  The issue is not just language support, 
but all the libraries.  Fully supporting incremental versions of PHP is an 
enormous amount of work with relatively low return on investment for us.  An 
engineer working on Quercus is an engineer that is not working on Resin.  We 
may reevaluate that resource allocation in the future, but for now Quercus is a 
lower priority.

I see the latest version of WordPress is requiring PHP 5.2.4 or greater.  
Quercus support hovers around PHP 5.2.1, with some selective functions from 
later versions and some others not implemented.

I see you already entered a bug report for this.  That is the best thing to do 
so we can track issues.  



> -- 
> Rick
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Caucho Technology

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