Github user aokolnychyi commented on the issue:
    @hvanhovell here is a summary of tried scenarios:
    val df = Seq((1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (5, 5)).toDF("a", "b")
    val window1 = Window.orderBy('a)
    val window2 = Window.orderBy('a.desc)
    **Scenario 1: An aggregate on top of a window expression (did not work 
before, looks OK now)**
    == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
    max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST unspecifiedframe$())): int
    Aggregate [max(_we0#27) AS max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST 
    +- Project [a#5, b#6, _we0#27, _we0#27]
       +- Window [rank(a#5) windowspecdefinition(a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST, 
specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS 
_we0#27], [a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST]
          +- Project [_1#2 AS a#5, _2#3 AS b#6]
             +- LocalRelation [_1#2, _2#3]
    == Optimized Logical Plan ==
    Aggregate [max(_we0#27) AS max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST 
    +- Project [_we0#27, _we0#27]
       +- Window [rank(a#5) windowspecdefinition(a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST, 
specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS 
_we0#27], [a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST]
          +- LocalRelation [a#5]
    |max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST unspecifiedframe$()))|
    |4                                                                |
    **Scenario 2: An aggregate with grouping expressions on top of a window 
    TODO:  Is the result wrong? What is expected?
    == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
    a: int, max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST unspecifiedframe$())): 
    Aggregate [a#5], [a#5, max(_we0#75) AS max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC 
NULLS FIRST unspecifiedframe$()))#63]
    +- Project [a#5, b#6, _we0#75, _we0#75]
       +- Window [rank(a#5) windowspecdefinition(a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST, 
specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS 
_we0#75], [a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST]
          +- Project [_1#2 AS a#5, _2#3 AS b#6]
             +- LocalRelation [_1#2, _2#3]
    == Optimized Logical Plan ==
    Aggregate [a#5], [a#5, max(_we0#75) AS max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC 
NULLS FIRST unspecifiedframe$()))#63]
    +- Project [a#5, _we0#75, _we0#75]
       +- Window [rank(a#5) windowspecdefinition(a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST, 
specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS 
_we0#75], [a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST]
          +- LocalRelation [a#5]
    |a  |max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST unspecifiedframe$()))|
    |1  |1                                                                |
    |2  |3                                                                |
    |5  |4                                                                |
    **Scenario 3: A normal aggregate, an aggregate on top of a window 
expression, a window expression on top of an aggregate in one query**
    This is resolved in two steps.
    df.groupBy('a).agg(max(rank().over(window1)), sum('b), 
    df.groupBy('a).agg(max(rank().over(window1)), sum('b), 
    == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
    a: int, max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST unspecifiedframe$())): 
int, sum(b): bigint, sum(sum(b)) OVER (ORDER BY a DESC NULLS LAST 
unspecifiedframe$()): bigint
    Project [a#5, max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST 
unspecifiedframe$()))#116, sum(b)#117L, sum(sum(b)) OVER (ORDER BY a DESC NULLS 
LAST unspecifiedframe$())#118L]
    +- Project [a#5, max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST 
unspecifiedframe$()))#116, sum(b)#117L, _w0#137L, sum(sum(b)) OVER (ORDER BY a 
DESC NULLS LAST unspecifiedframe$())#118L, sum(sum(b)) OVER (ORDER BY a DESC 
NULLS LAST unspecifiedframe$())#118L]
       +- Window [sum(_w0#137L) windowspecdefinition(a#5 DESC NULLS LAST, 
specifiedwindowframe(RangeFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS 
sum(sum(b)) OVER (ORDER BY a DESC NULLS LAST unspecifiedframe$())#118L], [a#5 
          +- Aggregate [a#5], [a#5, max(_we0#133) AS max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY 
a ASC NULLS FIRST unspecifiedframe$()))#116, sum(cast(b#6 as bigint)) AS 
sum(b)#117L, sum(cast(b#6 as bigint)) AS _w0#137L]
             +- Project [a#5, b#6, _we0#133, _we0#133]
                +- Window [rank(a#5) windowspecdefinition(a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST, 
specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS 
_we0#133], [a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST]
                   +- Project [_1#2 AS a#5, _2#3 AS b#6]
                      +- LocalRelation [_1#2, _2#3]
    == Optimized Logical Plan ==
    Project [a#5, max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a ASC NULLS FIRST 
unspecifiedframe$()))#116, sum(b)#117L, sum(sum(b)) OVER (ORDER BY a DESC NULLS 
LAST unspecifiedframe$())#118L]
    +- Window [sum(_w0#137L) windowspecdefinition(a#5 DESC NULLS LAST, 
specifiedwindowframe(RangeFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS 
sum(sum(b)) OVER (ORDER BY a DESC NULLS LAST unspecifiedframe$())#118L], [a#5 
       +- Aggregate [a#5], [a#5, max(_we0#133) AS max(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a 
ASC NULLS FIRST unspecifiedframe$()))#116, sum(cast(b#6 as bigint)) AS 
sum(b)#117L, sum(cast(b#6 as bigint)) AS _w0#137L]
          +- Project [a#5, b#6, _we0#133, _we0#133]
             +- Window [rank(a#5) windowspecdefinition(a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST, 
specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS 
_we0#133], [a#5 ASC NULLS FIRST]
                +- LocalRelation [a#5, b#6]
unspecifiedframe$()))|sum(b)|sum(sum(b)) OVER (ORDER BY a DESC NULLS LAST 
    |5  |4                                                                |5    
 |5                                                                |
    |2  |3                                                                |4    
 |9                                                                |
    |1  |1                                                                |5    
 |14                                                               |
    **Scenario 4: An aggregate on top of a window expression, which is defined 
on top of another aggregate**
    TODO: Not supported now. What is expected? Shall we support this or an 
exception should be thrown?
    **Open Questions**
    1. Does it make sense to support window expressions inside aggregate 
functions? Or shall this be placed into a subquery? For example, 
``CheckAnalysis`` prohibits aggregates on top of other aggregates. Maybe, it 
should be similar in this case.
    2. Scenarios 2 and 4 


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