Github user squito commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/EventLoggingListener.scala ---
    @@ -169,6 +182,31 @@ private[spark] class EventLoggingListener(
       // Events that trigger a flush
       override def onStageCompleted(event: SparkListenerStageCompleted): Unit 
= {
    +    if (shouldLogExecutorMetricsUpdates) {
    +      // clear out any previous attempts, that did not have a stage 
completed event
    +      val prevAttemptId = event.stageInfo.attemptNumber() - 1
    +      for (attemptId <- 0 to prevAttemptId) {
    +        liveStageExecutorMetrics.remove((event.stageInfo.stageId, 
    +      }
    +      // log the peak executor metrics for the stage, for each live 
    +      // whether or not the executor is running tasks for the stage
    +      val accumUpdates = new ArrayBuffer[(Long, Int, Int, 
    +      val executorMap = liveStageExecutorMetrics.remove(
    +        (event.stageInfo.stageId, event.stageInfo.attemptNumber()))
    +      executorMap.foreach {
    +       executorEntry => {
    +          for ((executorId, peakExecutorMetrics) <- executorEntry) {
    +            val executorMetrics = new ExecutorMetrics(-1, 
    --- End diff --
    there is no point in logging the timestamp, if we only log -1.  Better to 
just remove it.  Are you doing anything with it in the live UI?  Or should we 
just get rid of the timestamp field entirely?  (it can always be added later if 
there is a use for it.)
    I agree that having one timestamp for the peak across all metrics isn't 
very useful.  Its possible *all* the metrics would hit a peak at nearly the 
same time, but the more metrics we add, the less likely that becomes.  And even 
if we had the timestamp for each metric, what would we do with it?


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