Github user mallman commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/client/HiveShim.scala ---
    @@ -746,34 +746,45 @@ private[client] class Shim_v0_13 extends Shim_v0_12 {
           } else {
             logDebug(s"Hive metastore filter is '$filter'.")
    +        val shouldFallback = SQLConf.get.metastorePartitionPruningFallback
             val tryDirectSqlConfVar = 
             // We should get this config value from the metaStore. otherwise 
hit SPARK-18681.
             // To be compatible with hive-0.12 and hive-0.13, In the future we 
can achieve this by:
             // val tryDirectSql = 
             val tryDirectSql = 
             try {
    -          // Hive may throw an exception when calling this method in some 
circumstances, such as
    -          // when filtering on a non-string partition column when the hive 
config key
    -          // is false
               getPartitionsByFilterMethod.invoke(hive, table, filter)
             } catch {
    -          case ex: InvocationTargetException if 
ex.getCause.isInstanceOf[MetaException] &&
    -              !tryDirectSql =>
    -            logWarning("Caught Hive MetaException attempting to get 
partition metadata by " +
    -              "filter from Hive. Falling back to fetching all partition 
metadata, which will " +
    -              "degrade performance. Modifying your Hive metastore 
configuration to set " +
    -              s"${tryDirectSqlConfVar.varname} to true may resolve this 
problem.", ex)
    -            // HiveShim clients are expected to handle a superset of the 
requested partitions
    -            getAllPartitionsMethod.invoke(hive, 
    -          case ex: InvocationTargetException if 
ex.getCause.isInstanceOf[MetaException] &&
    -              tryDirectSql =>
    -            throw new RuntimeException("Caught Hive MetaException 
attempting to get partition " +
    -              "metadata by filter from Hive. You can set the Spark 
configuration setting " +
    -              s"${SQLConf.HIVE_MANAGE_FILESOURCE_PARTITIONS.key} to false 
to work around this " +
    -              "problem, however this will result in degraded performance. 
Please report a bug: " +
    -              "";, ex)
    +          case ex: InvocationTargetException if 
ex.getCause.isInstanceOf[MetaException] =>
    +            if (shouldFallback) {
    +              if (!tryDirectSql) {
    +                logWarning("Caught Hive MetaException attempting to get 
partition metadata by " +
    +                  "filter from Hive. Falling back to fetching all 
partition metadata, which will " +
    +                  "degrade performance. Modifying your Hive metastore 
configuration to set " +
    +                  s"${tryDirectSqlConfVar.varname} to true may resolve 
this problem.")
    +              } else {
    +                logWarning("Caught Hive MetaException attempting to get 
partition metadata " +
    +                  "by filter from Hive. Hive metastore's direct SQL 
feature has been enabled, " +
    +                  "but it is an optimistic optimization and not guaranteed 
to work. Falling back " +
    +                  "to fetching all partition metadata, which will degrade 
performance (for the " +
    +                  "current query). If you see this error consistently, you 
can set the Spark " +
    +                  s"configuration setting 
    +                  "false as a work around, however this will result in 
degraded performance. " +
    +                  "Please report a bug to Hive stating that direct SQL is 
failing consistently " +
    +                  "for the specified query:";)
    --- End diff --
    I think we should remove the suggestion to file a Hive project bug. Even 
with the direct SQL configuration setting enabled, there are valid metastore 
deployments for which it will be ignored. For example, my understanding is that 
if the metastore uses MongoDB for its underlying storage, the direct SQL 
configuration setting will be ignored. That means a failure here is not a Hive 
bug with direct SQL.


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