Github user cloud-fan commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -138,6 +138,11 @@ object TypeCoercion {
         case (DateType, TimestampType)
           => if (conf.compareDateTimestampInTimestamp) Some(TimestampType) 
else Some(StringType)
    +    // to support a popular use case of tables using Decimal(X, 0) for 
long IDs instead of strings
    +    // see SPARK-26070 for more details
    +    case (n: DecimalType, s: StringType) if n.scale == 0 => 
Some(DecimalType(n.precision, n.scale))
    --- End diff --
    what if the decimal is (1, 0) and the string is something like `1111.1111`?
    The string can be anything: a very big integer, a fraction with many digits 
after the dot, etc. I don't think there is a perfect solution, casting to 
double is the best we can do here.
    I'd suggest end users to manually do the cast which fits their data best.


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