STORIES FROM THE FUTURE: Crisis as catalyst for carbon-neutrality
Workshop series (June - December 2020)

The only times global greenhouse gas emissions have fallen in the past 200 
years were during times of crisis: war, depression, or pandemic. This constant 
growth means we now have only 10 years to permanently reverse the rise of 
climate emissions and at most until mid-century to become carbon neutral if we 
are to avoid the most devastating effects of runaway climate change. How 
can—and must—we work together to create a world where our grandchildren can 

In this workshop, participants will collaborate in several events that bring 
together scientific knowledge, creative energy, personal connections, and the 
will to act to envision the better way we want to be—10 years from now. What 
does it mean to “degrow,” and remove fossil fuels from the economy in a way 
that improves our lives? 
As we discuss this urgent question, we will begin to create the near future 
together. We will design artifacts from 2030: stories, poems, and songs; essays 
and articles; prototypes and sculpture. These artifacts will help make our 
vision reality, and point the way to the future we want.

The workshop is part of the COLLECTIVE PRACTICES program at ACUD MACHT NEU, 
picking up the thread in each of the program's four explorations (#NARRATIVES, 
#KNOWLEDGES, #CARE, and #RESISTANCE) to imagine—and begin to build—the future 
we want. The artifacts developed by the participants will be presented at a 
final event in December, taking shape, perhaps, as a speculative conference 
with presentations about how we changed the world, performances, or readings 
from speculative pieces developed, written or recorded during the workshop.

The series includes 4 public workshop sessions, conceived and led by Lisa 
Pettibone, with additional speakers invited to give impulse presentations. The 
active participation in the workshop series includes regular closed working 
sessions (1 per month) with Lisa.

Lisa Pettibone is an independent sustainability teacher, researcher, and 
writer. She is interested in radical belief systems like degrowth and the 
ideological change needed for societies to move away from capitalism. In 
addition to teaching, she enjoys experimenting with different media to talk 
about such as change, from academic writing to speculative fiction and 
performance to her podcast “My Climate Diet” (

Registration includes and requires the participation in the public as well as 
in the closed working sessions throughout the series.

The workshop will be held in English.

1st Workshop event: 7 June, 4-6pm CET

Registration Deadline: 1 June, 6pm CET

MORE INFO ABOUT THE WORKSHOP AND HOW TO REGISTER AT:–-crisis-catalyst-for-carbon-neutrality/


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