Art Claims Impulse invites you to an interactive online event tomorrow, Saturday, 04.07.2020, from 6pm-8pm

Surfing with... Anna Anders
Livestream Link:


Anna will surf through the World Wide Web and show examples in which things or people disappear through e.g. camouflage, disguise, masking or hiding. The examples can be excerpts from movies, works by artists or amateurs from the fields of documentation, music video, dance, slapstick or art.

Anna Anders is a video artist and professor at the Berlin University of the Arts for the teaching field of moving images at the faculty of design. Since more than thirty years she creates single and multi channel videos works, objects and photo series.

We have created three channels for you to interact with us, ask questions and comment while the surfing event is taking place. Normally, before Covid-19, this was a live event where people sat together watched and interacted live with the presenter. You can ask your questions on:

Facebook: Art Claims Impulse
Art Claims Impulse

We are looking forward to enjoying the event with all of you!

The concept of “Surfing with…”
Art Claims Impulse invites you to a personal informal evening. Get to know people from art, philosophy, urbanism and other inspiring fields. Spend an evening with the person we invited, during which you are taken along on a surfing trip and introduced to aspects of their internet world. Which trends, ideas or projects caught their attention lately? What do they find interesting to share with other people? Come along on a 2h trip, both inspiring and entertaining.

Best wishes,
Pierre and Melanie

Melanie Zagrean

Art Claims Impulse
Contemporary Fine Art
Markgrafenstr. 86
10969 Berlin

+49 172 759 6896
rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze

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