TRANSMEET: Intersections between Science and Art

International Art & Science Live Online Festival, Israel

November 19-20, 2020

The TRANSMEET Science and Art Festival is launching its first and
international edition as an online event this year. Live broadcasts
from the captivating spaces of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural
History will feature performances, live scientific experiments, and
children's activities. International and local projects will lay out
their joint research processes as leading centers from around the
world will uncover their visions and their rich creative pursuits. On
the next morning, the Fetter Museum of Art and Nanotechnology, first
of its kind in Israel, will host a meetup of scientists and artist for
a Think Tank Lab., and for summery of the event. We invite you to meet
leading scientists, artists, and curators who collaborate to realize
the intriguing potential that emerges when art and science get
together; learn about creativity in regard to different fields of
knowledge; find out about the challenges of creating new knowledge and
forging a new common language; get a closer look into fascinating
collaborations that integrate knowledge, inspiration, and resources
and work together towards a more responsible and collaborative tomorrow.

Steering team and curators: Tal Yizrael, Sharona Florsheim and Prof.
Tomer Volansky.
Open to the public free of charge
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