The next International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) will take
place in Barcelona, Spain, from June 10-16, 2022 fostering the
POSSIBLE: Possibles not only open up an unfinished world of futures
before us, but also presents and pasts behind us. The Possible is
openness and movement, a horizon of change that unfolds and organises
the world.

Upcoming deadlines for submitting contributions for ISEA2022 Barcelona
POSSIBLES will be October 4, October 11 and October 18, 2021.

ISEA is one of the world’s most prominent international arts and
technology events, bringing together scholarly, artistic, and
scientific domains in an interdisciplinary discussion and showcase of
creative productions applying new technologies in arts, interactivity,
and electronic and digital media.

ISEA2022 Barcelona invites artists, designers, scholars, researchers,
educators, innovators and creators to contribute to this growing
discussion about our world of possibles – not only opening up an
unfinished world of futures, but also the possible presents and pasts
– and to address it through following sub-themes: Humans and
Non-humans, Natures and Worlds, Futures and Heritages, and Educations
and Societies.

The organising committee includes Pau Alsina (Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya) General Chair/Artistic Director, Irma Vilà (Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya) Artistic Vicedirector, Enric Mor (Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya) Academic Chair, Joan Soler-Adillon (Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya) Academic Chair, Susanna Tesconi (Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya) Academic Chair, Andrea García (Universitat Oberta
de Catalunya) Communication & Web Chair and Paloma González
(Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) also Communication & Web Chair. A
number of colleagues will serve on the international Programme
Committee like José Ramón Alcalá, Mónica Bello, Peter Bentley, Clara
Boj, David Casacuberta, Daniel Cruz, Salomé Cuesta, Nina Czegledy,
Diego Díaz, Kevin Dahan, Hans Dehlinger, Rick Dolphijn, Scott
Fitzgerald, Angus Forbes, Santiago Fort, Carlos Grilo, Laurent
Grisoni, Sergi Jordà, Peter Krapp, Alain Lioret, Alessandro Ludovico,
Moisés Mañas, Valentina Montero, Jaime Munárriz, Antony Nevin,
Diarmuid O’Donoghue, Roc Parés, Jennifer Parker, Christiane Paul, Juan
Martín Prada, Eloi Puig, Soren Pold, Ingeborg Reichle, Everardo Reyes,
Robert Rowe, Chris Salter, Victoria Szabo, Andrea Sosa, Reynaldo
Thomson, and Ionat Zurr.

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