This issue stems from the fact that the line continuation marker `\` has 
*different* semantics in the spec-level context and in a macro definition. On 
the spec level, it is used to break long `%if` statements into multiple lines. 
Inside macro definitions, it's the whole body that's broken down. The patch in 
5f4fdce interprets these markers equally, though.

This becomes a problem when a `%define` or `%global` macro is encountered in a 
false branch of an `%if` statement and is therefore left unexpanded (for 
obvious reasons); the spec parser just continues scanning the macro's body as 
if it were part of the spec itself: it joins the inner `%if` statement into a 
single line, including the inner `%endif` (since all of the lines end with an 
`\`) and finally tries to match it against a corresponding `%endif`, which 
fails as there's none.

The remedy here would be to completely skip the macro's body in case it's 
unexpanded. In fact, there's a very simple and elegant (yet non-obvious) way to 
do this: when joining multi-line `%if` conditionals, treat `%define` as a such 
a conditional; that way, the whole macro (when unexpanded) collapses into a 
single line and its content is not interpreted. I have a working patch here:

That being said, it turns out that conditionals inside macros are 
*unsupported*. The macro expander does *not* interpret them at all. For 
example, the following construct would print "hello":

%define test() \
%if 0 \
%{echo:hello} \


This is also mentioned (though not entirely clearly) in the `/doc/manual/spec` 
%if-conditionals are not macros, and are unlikely to yield expected results
if used in them.

@ignatenkobrain, is there a specific use case for such conditionals that I'm 
missing? While there is a simple fix for this (as described above) which 
shouldn't introduce any side-effects (but I am not 100% sure yet), it doesn't 
make much sense to apply it if the use case being fixed is in fact unsupported.

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