--- Comment #6 from ---
Homebrew's builds for different macOS versions will use as few versions of
Xcode as possible.  Sometimes one version of Xcode is used on two different
macOS VMs with differing macOS versions.  Anyway, those are for Homebrew's
pre-compiled binaries (and in the case of rsync, they don't run `make check`
when building said binaries).  I want to build rsync from source.

I've found that if one manually runs `xcode-select` to point to the folder
where the Command Line Tools live (as opposed to pointing at the tools included
in, there is no problem with rsync and its tests.

As far as I can see now, this is a bug in Xcode 9.0.

Apple is known to be stubborn about this sort of thing though, so it might
require rsync to do some workarounds.

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