I think I must be missing something. If source and dest are the same place rsync shouldn't do anything unless it it responding to changes happening at the same time. For example, when I do 'rsync -vain --remove-source-files /tmp/ /tmp/' rsync does nothing.

On 10/17/22 23:12, Sridhar Sarnobat via rsync wrote:
>> why not avoid using "--remove-source-files" and delete files manually/via extra step afterwards

Multiple reasons. Among them:
1) my jobs run a long time and there are a lot of them. Trying to remember what I did over ssh (where history doesn't get saved) is an extra cognitive load and the system is in a transient state (I've ended up with duplicate files unless I do the extra work later - potentially much later depending on the size of the job). I may also have multiple rsync commands running in separate terminals. 2) I am managing a lot of large files, and my collection of disks doesn't have 2x free space.
3) 2 operations instead of 1 gives more room to make a mistake.

This is a workaround that I can occasionally use, and you could even say "why not just use ext4magic?" to recover accidentally deleted files etc.

Regardless, the semantics of deleting source files without leaving one copy of your files intact should never happen right?

        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
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