At $work I have an odd situation involving incomplete file transfers, but I am unsure where the issue may be occurring. Here is the scenario.

Sometimes the file transfer seems to have completed, but the file size does not match that on the remote system.

I transfer a number of large (>1GB) Tar-Gzipped (.tgz) files via SSH tunnels from $customer. Because of some previous issues, sometimes the SSH tunnels may be terminated externally. As a result, I am currently using the 'split' command to break the files into 1-GB "chunks" (ex.: foo.tgz.aa, foo.tgz.ab, ...).

For the rsync transfer, I am using the following options:
    rsync -az \
        -e "ssh ..." \
        --link-dest=/local/path1 \
        --link-dest=/local/path2 \
        --remove-source-files \
        user@remote:/path/to/files \

        '-e "ssh ..."' is the set of SSH options (for tunneling, etc.).
'--link-dest=/local/path1' refers to a local directory that might contain a copy of the file. '--link-dest=/local/path2' refers to a local directory that might contain a copy of the file.

I am frequently encountering times where the file appears to have been transferred but is incomplete. (Example: foo.tgz.ab now exists on the local system, has been removed from the remote, but is incomplete.)

Additional notes:
To my knowledge I do not know if the 'gzip' '--rsyncable' option is being used (but I do not think so--I suspect the file is created using a command similar to 'tar czf foo.tgz ...').

The rsync commands may be launched from command-line or cron, but use the same format and options in either case. As a result, there may be multiple rsync processes pulling files from the same remote path to the same local path.

I know that when rsync transfers a file (ex.: foo.tgz.ab) that during the transfer process it is named '.foo.tgz.ab.??????' (where '.??????' is a 6-character unique extension), and that upon completion the file is renamed to 'foo.tgz.ab'. (So I may see .foo.tgz.ab.4e67d0 and .foo.tgz.ab.fa7325 in the directory while the transfers are going.)

I am unsure if this is a result of the combination of options I am using, or where to begin troubleshooting. Any guidance or direction would be appreciated.

-Albert C.

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