I want to copy a list of files in specific order
Why ?

because i want to serialize files on disk so they are stored on disk in
the order being accessed regularly

i built that list for --files-from   via output from fatrace tool.

i now did use tar to transfer the files

i will add an RFE to bugzilla



Am 31.12.23 um 20:56 schrieb francis.montag...@inria.fr:

On Sun, 31 Dec 2023 20:28:21 +0100 Roland via rsync wrote:

apparently, rsync sorts the list of files  provided to "--files-from".
how can i avoid sorting of that list ?
According to the man, this is not possible. See: SORTED TRANSFER ORDER
that suggest also the --delay‐updates option.

I want to copy a list of files in specific order
Why ?

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