Hi David,

I was out of office last week. I'll check and update. Legacy should be
mentioned, albeit IMHO only brief info is needed, a al

Legacy is
$template <template-name>,<string-template>
as <string-template> should be defined. This, together with 1 or 2 samples.

What do you think?


El mié, 28 sept 2022 a las 22:12, David Lang via rsyslog
(<rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>) escribió:
> the template page has removed all references to the legacy format. For simple
> things, I still prefer it to the new formats, and for people needing to
> understand existing configs, the format should still be listed, even if it's
> with a note that it's not recommended
> could someone reserrect the old documentation and merge it with the current
> page?
> https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/master/configuration/templates.html
> David Lang
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