specify the settings in the action() object. Doc:


side-note: I am not sure, but I think the legacy construct you quoted
just changes the setting for the next output action. But I am too lazy
to look this up, as it is not really relevant in this case. ;-)


El jue, 3 nov 2022 a las 9:39, Alexander Birman via rsyslog
(<rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>) escribió:
> Hello,
> I want to set non-default permission to the log file created for my service.
> - My service is started and named in
> */etc/systemd/system/hive_manager.service.*
> - Then, in */etc/rsyslog.d/hive_manager.conf* the name of the log is
> defined by the following condition:
> *if $programname == 'hive_manager' then /home/pi/logs/hive_manager.log*
> - Finally, in */etc/rsyslog.conf * I have the following definitions:
> *#*
> *# Set the default permissions for all log files.*
> *#*
> *$FileOwner root*
> *$FileGroup adm*
> *$FileCreateMode 0640*
> *$DirCreateMode 0755*
> *$Umask 0022*
> *# Include all config files in /etc/rsyslog.d/*
> *#*
> *$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf*
> Currently, the */home/pi/logs/hive_manager.log* is created under the root
> permissions (the default). I need to configure its creation under different
> user permissions.
> How can I do it? I couldn't find any help with it in the relevant forums.
> Thanks a lot!
> Have a good day!
> Alexander Birman
> +972-54-7556432
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