> > Code w/ comments:
> >
> > https://github.com/rsyslog/liblognorm/blob/master/src/parser.c#L2578
> That's what I remember seeing, but I don't see it in the documentation page

Yeah, but it's a full feature for quite a while. As I said, there is a
doc build problem or a doc issue in general. Will check later (very
very busy at the moment)

> I would expect that the iptables parser would be modified to be a wrapper 
> around
> this (setting options and then a passthrough, existing pretty much only for
> backwards compatibility)

Just to be clear: this released code, not the PRs. The PRs try to
modify the NameValue parser in an incompatible way. That's the
problem. NameValue *is* deployed in practice!

Iiptables and NameValue are different code bases (with similarities),
as iptables specific format permits to be more strict. IIRC we tried
with parameters, but the code got to complex.

> David Lang
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