On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Dave Aronson
<googlegroups2d...@davearonson.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 6:21 AM, Peter Hickman
> <peterhickman...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> And this is why people complain about job ad on this list!
>> No location (I will not relocate to Greece for this job)
> That's the big one for me.  If they can't even put such extremely
> important basic information in their post, especially while they
> blather on and on about their so-called "requirements", they have
> their priorities SO skewed, or chaotic, that I probably don't want to
> deal with them at all in the first place.

Most companies will state such a thing during the interview so why get
your knickers knotted?  The fact of the matter is what makes you such
a good candidate if you get so butt hurt over such a simple thing
instead of asking the simple question to the recruiter and then basing
your decision on that.  Ambition at all?

I would just as well give up on myself if I got my knickers knotted
over anything I could clarify by simply asking a question and didn't
even think or bother to ask that question... At that point, it just
means I lost the game because I'm not even able to do the simplest
things a programmer should do, like ask questions to get

Jump down off the horse, join the real world.

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