On 7 December 2010 09:57, Nandakumar Chandrasekhar <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Dear Folks,
> I am Web developer and have experience mainly with the Django Web
> framework for Python and wish to learn ROR.
> I am currently using Rails 3.0.3 and was getting a routing error
> whenever I added a view to a controller until I found out I had to add
> the path to the routes.rb file under the config directory.
> Is this new in Rails 3? I am asking this because I was following the
> example in "Agile Web Development with Rails 3rd Edition" which uses
> Rails 2 and getting the routing error.

You are liable to run into a lot of problems if the version of rails
you are using is not close to that of your tutorial.  You could have a
look at railstutorial.org with has a good rails 3 tutorial.  It is
free to work through online, or pay for the book I think.

Also work through the Rails Guides, starting with Getting Started of course.

> I also find that if use the "rails generate" command the routes.rb file
> is automatically updated. Does this mean that the proper way to create
> views and controllers is to use the above command.

For beginners at least probably yes.

> If so how do I create a view function in an existing controller without
> having it being overwritten or is the manual way the only way to do
> this?

You can only use the generators the first time, then it is up to you.


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