I have a Sage policy proposal:

- For any new standard Sage package PKG, we strongly recommend, require if 
at all possible, that the package comes with an spkg-configure.m4 script in 
build/pkgs/PKG. There should also be a directory build/pkgs/PKG/distros.

Neither the spkg-configure.m4 file nor the distros directory seems to be 
documented anywhere, so https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/30543 adds 
documentation for these and also states this new "policy". (It's not really 
a policy, just a strong recommendation. Some packages are written 
explicitly for Sage or otherwise won't have good system replacements, so I 
don't think we should require it.)

If you approve, I would also request that you, as Sage developers, pay 
attention when you're reviewing tickets. If someone is proposing a new 
standard package, please keep this policy in mind.


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