On macOS:  A wonderful app, thanks to Marc Culler.

On Windows:  Too complex for my far from savvy students.  We are stuck with
SageMath 9.3 for the time being.

On Linux:  It depends on the distribution, some have totally outdated
versions (as seen now and then in messages to sage-support).

Most people are unable to build SageMath from scratch, or to use Conda, or
VMs, or dockers, or whatever.

In 2022, anybody should be able to get SageMath with a regular installation

In my opinion, "Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma,
Maple, Mathematica and Matlab" means also "as easy to install as Magma,
Maple, Mathematica and MATLAB".

But I do not know if we have the people and the time for it.


On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 at 11:32, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Apr 2022, 08:39 seb....@gmail.com, <seb.oe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Actually we no longer advertise the binary distribution.
>> So, what do we advertise to potential newcomers to Sage? I think despite
>> such great things as Cocalc, SageMathCell and Gitpod, there should be
>> something easy to install that can be used offline, too.
> several Linux distributions carry reasonably up to date binary Sage
> installations (and these can be installed on various VMs, e.g. on Windows'
> WSL, ChromeOS' Crostini, etc)
> Then, there is Conda, there is an macOS app, and there are docker images.

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