You can run "git diff" and save the results in a file, and then post a link 
to the file. Then others could apply the patch and try it out.

This also seems like a lot of work to eliminate some minor code 
duplication, in my opinion.

On Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 10:59:59 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> Dear All,
> > We cannot debug branches for you that we cannot see. 
> This is so true, it is hard enough to debug one's own code in  a big 
> system like SageMath, let alone the invisible one.
> It was hoped that the pattern of this bug is well known to the experienced 
> SageMath developers.
> Please find below the list of files involved. 
> Please beware that the code is still unclean with these ad hoc exports:
> *export MAKE=makeexport 
> It is suspected that some critical exports are still missing. Some paths 
> are missing? Any ideas 
>    -      (factored out from original* 'sage'*)
>    - sage.sage.mod      (sources* '', *see 
>    below, and* '*')
> $SAGE_ROOT/src/bin:
>    -         (factored out from  
>    *'sage-env')*
>    -             (factored out from  
>    *'sage-env')*
>    - sage.src.bin.sage-env.mod             (sources 
>    *''* and *'')*
>    - *                 (factored out from original 
>    'sage'*)
>    - sage.src.bin.sage.mod                 (sources 
>    *'*' and* '')*
>    - (common between
>    * 'sage.src.bin.sage-env.mod'* and *'sage.src.bin.sage.mod')*
> The final frontier is for *''*  to 
> be sourced instead of '*Copied&Pasted' .** (smiley)*
> Please help to debug this structure in the context of SageMath 
> architecture.
> Hopefully this would serve as a case study for SageMath modularization 
> towards a minimal SageMath?
> > Open a ticket, push a branch...
> The mechanics of this operation is currently beyond this hitchhiker. When 
> it is needed, she will need help.
> (It seems pushing broken code is not a good idea to her. Is there any way 
> for her to request a peer review to see if it is worth a push?)
> Thank you so much for your help and your patience is greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> phiho
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 7:41 PM Matthias Koeppe <> 
> wrote:
>> We cannot debug branches for you that we cannot see. Open a ticket, push 
>> a branch, ask questions there.
>> On Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 3:57:58 PM UTC-7 wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> *SageMath with "Refactor&Source" was successfully configured and built:*
>>> [...].
>>> [sagetex-3.5] Successfully installed sagetex-3.5
>>> [sagetex-3.5] Removing old SageTex version(s)
>>> [sagetex-3.5]
>>> [sagetex-3.5] real      0m15.837s
>>> [sagetex-3.5] user      0m8.516s
>>> [sagetex-3.5] sys       0m4.234s
>>> [sagetex-3.5] Copying package files from temporary location 
>>> /home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10/var/tmp/sage/build/sagetex-3.5/inst
>>> to 
>>> /home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10
>>> [sagetex-3.5] Successfully installed sagetex-3.5
>>> [sagetex-3.5] Deleting temporary build directory
>>> [sagetex-3.5] 
>>> /home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10/var/tmp/sage/build/sagetex-3.5
>>> [sagetex-3.5] Finished installing sagetex-3.5
>>> make[2]: Leaving directory 
>>> '/home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make/build/make'
>>> real    991m34.004s
>>> user    523m2.375s
>>> sys     169m30.563s
>>> Sage build/upgrade complete!
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make'
>>> *However, when sage was run, it failed with:*
>>> ~/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make$ ./sage
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "/home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make/src/bin/sage-ipython", 
>>> line 9, in <module>
>>>     from sage.misc.banner import banner
>>> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sage'
>>> ~/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make$
>>> *Something missing or broken?*
>>> *"sage --sdist" now still produces (and overwrting!!! existing) 
>>> $SAGE_ROOT/tmp/sage-9.6.rc2. It now fails with (instead of "no rule" as 
>>> before the build):*
>>> env SAGE_INSTALL_FETCH_ONLY=yes make --no-print-directory -B 
>>>         alabaster appdirs appnope arb argcomplete argon2_cffi attrs 
>>> babel backcall beautifulsoup4 beniget bleach boost_cropped brial bzip2 
>>> cddlib certifi cffi charset_normalizer cliquer cmake combinatorial_designs 
>>> conway_polynomials cppy curl cvxopt cycler cypari cysignals cython dateutil 
>>> decorator defusedxml distlib docutils ecl eclib ecm elliptic_curves 
>>> entrypoints fflas_ffpack filelock flint flintqs flit_core fonttools fplll 
>>> fpylll freetype gap gast gc gcc gengetopt gf2x gfan gfortran giac givaro 
>>> glpk gmp gmpy2 graphs gsl html5lib iconv idna imagesize iml 
>>> importlib_metadata importlib_resources ipykernel ipython ipython_genutils 
>>> ipywidgets jedi jinja2 jmol jsonschema jupyter_client jupyter_core 
>>> jupyter_jsmol jupyter_sphinx jupyterlab_pygments kiwisolver lcalc 
>>> libatomic_ops libbraiding libffi libgd libhomfly libpng linbox lrcalc 
>>> lrcalc_python m4ri m4rie markupsafe mathjax matplotlib matplotlib_inline 
>>> maxima memory_allocator mistune mpc mpfi mpfr mpmath nauty nbclient 
>>> nbconvert nbformat ncurses nest_asyncio networkx notebook ntl numpy 
>>> openblas openssl packaging palp pandocfilters pari pari_galdata 
>>> pari_seadata_small parso patch pcre pexpect pickleshare pillow pip pkgconf 
>>> pkgconfig planarity platformdirs pluggy ply polytopes_db ppl pplpy 
>>> pplpy_doc primecount primecountpy primesieve prometheus_client 
>>> prompt_toolkit ptyprocess py pybind11 pycparser pycygwin pygments pyparsing 
>>> pyrsistent python3 pythran pytz pyzmq qhull r readline requests rpy2 rw 
>>> sagenb_export sagetex scipy send2trash setuptools setuptools_scm 
>>> setuptools_scm_git_archive setuptools_wheel simplegeneric singular six 
>>> snowballstemmer soupsieve sphinx sphinxcontrib_applehelp 
>>> sphinxcontrib_devhelp sphinxcontrib_htmlhelp sphinxcontrib_jsmath 
>>> sphinxcontrib_qthelp sphinxcontrib_serializinghtml sphinxcontrib_websupport 
>>> sqlite suitesparse symmetrica sympow sympy tachyon terminado testpath 
>>> threejs toml tomli tornado tox traitlets typing_extensions tzlocal urllib3 
>>> vcversioner virtualenv wcwidth webencodings wheel widgetsnbextension xz 
>>> zeromq zipp zlib zn_poly
>>> /usr/bin/python3 
>>> /home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make/build/bin/sage-venv 
>>> "/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10"
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "/home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make/build/bin/sage-venv", 
>>> line 53, in <module>
>>>     c = b.ensure_directories(options.env_dir)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/python3.10/venv/", line 116, in 
>>> ensure_directories
>>>     create_if_needed(env_dir)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/python3.10/venv/", line 105, in 
>>> create_if_needed
>>>     os.makedirs(d)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 215, in makedirs
>>>     makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
>>>   File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 225, in makedirs
>>>     mkdir(name, mode)
>>> PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/lib/sage'
>>> make[1]: *** [Makefile:2489: /var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10/pyvenv.cfg] 
>>> Error 1
>>> make: *** [Makefile:2534: download-for-sdist] Error 2
>>> *~/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make$ ls -l /var/lib/sagels: cannot access 
>>> '/var/lib/sage': No such file or directory*
>>> *Should this be 
>>> "/home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make/local/var/lib/sage" instead:*
>>> *~/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make$ ls -l 
>>> /home/hph/sage-9.6/git/rc2/sage.mod2.make/local/var/lib/sagetotal 
>>> 0drwxrwxrwx 1 hph hph 4096 Apr 28 16:47 installeddrwxrwxrwx 1 hph hph 4096 
>>> Apr 28 05:00 scriptsdrwxrwxrwx 1 hph hph 4096 Apr 28 17:06 venv-python3.10*
>>> Your help is much appreciated.
>>> Please find attached "config.log" and "installation.log" in a 7z file
>>> Regards,
>>> phiho
>>> -- 
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