Travis's answer works for line3d objects consisting of a single segment.

Here is a more general version for any line3d object.

If you haven't already, install more-itertools:

sage: %pip install more-itertools

Then define this length function:

def line3d_euclidean_length(L):
    Return the euclidean length of this piecewise linear path.


    - ``L`` a piecewise linear path, as a ``line3d`` graphics object.
    from more_itertools import pairwise
    V = RDF^3
    return sum((V(q) - V(p)).norm() for p, q in pairwise(L.points))

Use it as follows:
sage: A = line3d([(1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1)])
sage: line3d_euclidean_length(A)
sage: 1.0

sage: B = line3d([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)])
sage: line3d_euclidean_length(B)

As Travis suggests, one might also be interested in the combinatorial 

def line3d_combinatorial_length(L):
    Return the combinatorial length of this piecewise linear path.

    That is, the number of segments it consists of.


    - ``L`` a piecewise linear path, as a ``line3d`` graphics object.
    return Integer(len(L.points) - 1)


sage: line3d_combinatorial_length(A)
sage: line3d_combinatorial_length(B)

Following Travis's suggestion, one could add an option
to combine successive segments if they are collinear.

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