On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 1:12:55 PM UTC-7 tobias...@gmail.com 

> Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing. Imagine a currently 
> open ticket with a linked branch. How is this going to be migrated? My 
> assumption has been that this will create a PR from 
> sagemath/sagetrac-mirror/branch into sagemath/sage.
> If thats indeed the plan (which I find is a good plan), then there are the 
> following issues:
> - sagetrac-mirror is not a fork of sage, thus it might not be possible to 
> create a PR from it (at leas from the web interface its not possible, not 
> sure about the API)

Good point about the "is-fork-of" relation. I've made another refinement 

   1. Convert all tickets to Issues in a new repo sagemath/sage-temp. (This 
   preserves the ticket numbers as Issue numbers.)
   2. Rename sagemath/sagetrac-mirror to sagemath/sagetrac-archive and 
   <https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/archiving-a-github-repository> it 
   (= set it to readonly).
   3. Create a single-branch fork of sagemath/sage-temp called 
   sagemath/sagetrac-mirror and push all branches (or all branches of open 
   tickets) from sagemath/sagetrac-archive to it.
   4. Open PRs from sagemath/sagetrac-mirror 
   <https://github.com/sagemath/sagetrac-mirror> to sagemath/sage-temp for 
   all open tickets with attached branches.

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