Sorry for the confusion. I forgot that there are different readings of 
NEP29 and that this lead to misunderstandings before. The proposed policy 
is that all python versions supported by NEP29 are also supported by sage 
(this is the lower bound) and that we normally drop support for older 
versions right after this support window (i.e. also adapt the drop schedule 
I've formulated an improved formulation for this policy at which 
should hopefully clarify this point.
(Dropping support means increasing `python_requires` and removing github 
tests for this old version, i.e. similar to which is modeled on the PR 
drooping Python 3.7.)
On Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 1:40:36 AM UTC+8 Nils Bruin wrote:

> Can we please clearly formulate what the motion is that is being discussed 
> and voted on? As Volker pointed out, NEP 29 guarantees what versions are 
> supported, i.e., it gives a lower bound to what we support. If we are 
> adopting that, it would seem that we are trying to solve a problem that 
> sage has been dropping versions *too soon*. From the discussion here I 
> don't get the impression that's the issue.
> Rather I get the impression the motivation is the perception that sage is 
> presently supporting *too many* versions and that this is holding up 
> development because it prevents upgrades and delays fixes because they are 
> required to be adapted to be compatible with too many python versions. So 
> if the latter is the case, is the proposal "sagemath does not guarantee of 
> python versions beyond what is required to comply with NEP 29. No 
> particular effort is made to make fixes and upgrades to sagemath work with 
> python versions outside the window mandated by NEP 29."
> (I doubt anyone is advocating to actively break support for python 
> versions outside of the NEP 29 support window. Breakage will happen 
> as-needed)

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