On Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 2:43:18 AM UTC+9 Vincent Delecroix wrote:

In that case, let me do a proposal. 

Introduce a new label distinct from "blocker" for

usage 2: PRs that should be merged temporarily before CI tests run

I meant by "merged temporarily" the "CI fixes" in Matthias' explanation:  

   - *Within the release candidate stage,* developers who mark a PR as a 
   "blocker" so that it be merged in the upcoming stable release need to know 
   whether their blocker PR will be conflicting with other blockers (= 
   candidates for merging in the next rc). Having the "blocker" label double 
   as the "CI fixes" trigger takes care of this.

So blocker PRs get the chance to be tested together before the release by 
the "CI fixes" mechanism. Thus "usage 1" and "usage 2" are connected. 
Having distinct labels for them does not reflect the connection.

I propose (as this discussion is a place to give proposals :-) to give "the 
chance to be tested together" only to blocker PRs with "positive review". 
This slightly separates "usage 1" and "usage 2". This proposal was 
suggested when the "CI fixes" mechanism was introduced, and can be 
activated easily.


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