2008/8/23 Philippe Saade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi group,
> i'am a little bit confused while analysing Sage Python packages and
> (newbie's default) a would like to ask a simple question :

For the next time, this sort of question goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> when one types
> var('x')
> f_exp = exp(x)
> plot_f_exp = plot(f_exp)
> plot_f_exp.show()
> what happens exactly in the "plot()" part ?
> is sage/plot/plot.py in charge of that plot() ?

In sage/plot/plot.py the __call__ method in the PlotFactory class is
the function that is called.

> Is the notebook calling some other function ?

It calls prepare() over your input as it always does, but aside from
that, there are no special commands

> What are the exact options available for that plot command ? [using
> Tab gives me a help page talking about xmin, xmax, etc and these don't
> work...]

To see a list of options, type:


in a notebook cell and evaluate it.

If you are saying you've seen that list and the options do not work,
you will have to post the exact command you entered for us to see what
is wrong.


> Thanks
> Philippe
> P.S. : NewbieMode=Strict....

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