On Dec 10, 2008, at 11:29 AM, mhampton wrote:

> I have been thinking about the booth at the joint meetings, and what
> sort of merchandise we should have/give away/sell.  I think the top
> priority is to have dvds on hand so that people can easily install and
> try out sage.

I agree.

> So I am wondering what should be on a dvd.  I helped burn some last
> year but I didn't keep the image around.  I am thinking it should
> have:
> 1) binaries for macs and linux - is it worth having ppc binaries?
> 2) source code
> 3) vmware player - is that OK to include legally?
> 4) vmware image
> 5) Extra documentation - ? I.e. python documentation or sage-related
> math texts.

Here's what I do



# Why can't do -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/*/*/older ?

mkisofs -v -o /lacie/home/robertwb/iso/sage-$DIST.iso -R -J -V SAGE - 
graft-points \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/itanium \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/atom \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/32bit/older \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/64bit/older \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/apple_osx/intel/older \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/apple_osx/powerpc/older \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/64bit/sage-3.1.2-debian-x86_64-intel-x86_64- 
Linux.tar.gz \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/64bit/sage-3.1.2-ubuntu-6.06.2LTS-x86_64- 
x86_64-Linux.tar.gz \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/64bit/sage-3.1.2-ubuntu-64bit-opteron- 
x86_64-Linux.tar.gz  \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/64bit/sage-3.1.4-ARCHLinux-IntelXeon-64bit- 
x86_64-Linux.tar.gz  \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/64bit/sage-3.1.4-SLES10-ia64-Linux.tar.gz  \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/64bit/sage-3.1.4-RHEL5-ia64-Linux.tar.gz  \
   -x $SAGE_WWW/bin/linux/64bit/sage-3.1.4-rhel5-32bitIntelXeon-i686- 
Linux.tar.gz  \
   documentation/html=$SAGE_WWW/doc/html/ \
   documentation/pdf=$SAGE_WWW/doc/paper-letter/ \
   documentation/overview=$SAGE_WWW/doc/overviews/ \
   source/README.txt=$SAGE_WWW/src/README.txt \
   source/changelog.txt=$SAGE_WWW/src/changelog.txt \
   source/sage-$DIST.tar=$SAGE_WWW/src/sage-$DIST.tar \
   binaries=$SAGE_WWW/bin \
   README.txt \

(Yes, I need to update the DVD to 3.2.1.) I'd be happy to give you/ 
point you to the ISO. I've found there's not enough room on the DVD  
for all the binaries we build, but throwing vmware player on there  
might be a good idea. Also, I'm up for suggestions on what else to  

CreateSpace looks cheaper per disk, but I can't figure out how to  
distribute data DVDs through them (short of sending them a DVD, then  
paying for a proof, for every revision). Lulu lets you upload the iso  

> I am planning on printing off some tutorials and Sage Constructions,
> maybe a couple of programming guides but not the reference manual
> (that was impressive last time but might not be worth the cost).

If we still have it around, it might be good to have it at the booth.

> Is there any reason to wait for sage-3.3 to do this?  Otherwise, to  
> make
> sure they are made on time I would like to do it this weekend.

I think it will be up to date enough.

> I am also thinking of making some Sage mugs and tee-shirts on
> cafepress or some other similar website.  Then I will order a small
> number of these as prizes for a lottery drawing or simple contest.  We
> can keep some examples at the booth and anyone who wants one can order
> their own online.   I will post again soliciting designs.

Sounds like a good idea.

> I thought it might also be nice to make Sage business cards, that list
> the main page URL, the google-groups addresses, the IRC channel, the
> lulu.com documentation link, and the mug & t-shirt cafepress links.

+1. I think just having business cards with all the info will be a  
good idea. Also, it might be good to take down people's email  
addresses and email them the link to the sage site (just once). The  
ideal is to get them to install and use it right there, but short of  
that the question is how will people remember to go and check it out  
after the conference gets over. I wonder if serving everything up on  
a small wireless network right there at the booth would be an easy  
way for people to get it onto their computers (assuming they have  
laptops right there).

- Robert

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