You all make good points. Certainly more documentation for applied
stuff is called for, and I really like the idea of a configuration
command to avert having to maintain a separate version. Didn't even
think of that!

As regards size, I do think that it would be an important factor. I am
much more likely to DOWNLOAD and try out a program if it were, say, 80
Mb than half a Gb. Similarly, I am more likely to try out a 10 Mb than
a 70 Mb download.

It's all about acquiring a bigger audience in the applied fields.
There is certainly the impression out there that Sage is MAINLY a CAS
system (as opposed to a numerical system), and more geared towards
pure mathematicians than engineers, physicists, and applied
scientists. A separate and clear way to configure or to download an
engineering version (say through a separate webpage), that is well
advertised, would go a long way in helping Sage as a whole. Just my
humble opinion.


On Mar 23, 4:20 pm, Tim Lahey <> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Robert Bradshaw
> <> wrote:
> > One question I have is (1) how dropping omitting things would make it
> > easier for engineers and (2) if there are packages that are high
> > enough quality and useful for engineers, why having them would hurt
> > having them distributed with the main Sage. Is half a GB "too big"
> > for the modern engineer's computer?
> > I think more useful would be a tutorial (or several) written
> > specifically from an engineering perspective, and if you think the
> > current environment is lacking, it would be good to implement a top-
> > level command that would pre-define a bunch of functions and
> > variables useful for engineers (and could even go install optional
> > packages if they're not present). I just see this being way more
> > useful (and lots easier) than shipping a separate version of Sage,
> > and saying "oh, in this version, do this, and in that version do
> > that, and you can't do this in this version..."
> > - Robert
> I'm an engineer and I certainly don't want a separate version. Like
> I said earlier, what's needed is
> a) examples
> b) consistent conversion/coercion between types
> To clarify, there are a number of high quality polynomial packages
> in Sage, but they're kind of isolated. I'd like to be able to use those
> routines on symbolic expression polynomials and then continue
> with the resulting symbolic expression. Also, there is:
> c) Improved support for Pynac so one can call non-Pynac routines
> using expressions defined using Pynac (e.g., Maxima integration).
> Cheers,
> Tim.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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