On May 5, 3:25 pm, Brian Granger <ellisonbg....@gmail.com> wrote:
> IF I write code in a Sage notebook, AND I redistribute the code, do I
> need to release my code under the GPL?

The Sage worksheet at


contains Sage code that was not written in a notebook.  While that
could be obvious if you actually looked at the file, technically I
think there is no way to prove just where I wrote it - notebook or

So originally, I had a copyright interest in this work.  I could have
kept it that way, made it GFDL (or GPL), or use CC (which I did).  So
I understand the answer to be that you can do whatever you wish with a
Sage worksheet (the notebook is the interface), no matter what you
(legally) place in it that you have the rights to.

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