Hi all,

I was recently introduced to sage.  I have looked a bit at reduce-sage
interface. I have started with your William's reduce.py and my current
version is available at


I hope it is able to do basic interface. I have seen few notes on
reduce-sage interface in sage discussion groups and hope that there is
still interest as reduce is free now.

I have several points/questions:

1) would be good if someone could look at the interface, try it and
let me know
  what else should be added to the interface; I know that help is
missing as
  there is no terminal help system in reduce

2) how to make reduce directly available without
     sage: import sage.interfaces.reduce as r
   how to make it available in web browser notebook?

3) in the following:
sage: a3 = r.reduce('(x+y)**2'); a3
x**2 + 2*x*y + y**2
sage: b3 = a3._sage_()
sage: type(b3)
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
sage: diff(b3,x)
2*x + 2*y
sage: diff(b3,y)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call

/mnt/pl/usr2/home/v1/liska/tmp/sage/<ipython console> in <module>()

NameError: name 'y' is not defined
sage: var('y')
sage: diff(b3,y)
2*x + 2*y

   y cannot be used as sage variable, before it is declared by var. Is
   a feature of sage (it works the same way with maxima) or should
   function declare y as variable?

4) I understand that not everything is done completely consistently,
it is
   just zero-th version of the interface.

I should add that I am completely new to both sage and python. On the
other hand I do know reduce quite well, in fact, years ago I wrote
2 of its packages.

I just noticed that I am still using sage 4.2.1 while sage 4.3 is
already available, hope it should work in 4.3 too.

When you reply to this post please cc: me to li...@siduri.fjfi.cvut.cz


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