These are all caused by the same issue. Yasm is producing 64 bit
binaries and MPIR is trying to build a 32 bit binary, or vice versa.

How precisely is MPIR being built on these machines. Specifically,
what is the exact configure command issued? I suspect someone is
trying to override the compiler flags manually, which isn't correct.


On Jan 14, 10:34 pm, Jaap Spies <> wrote:
> Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> > Robert Miller wrote:
> >> These seem related to #7910... Any thoughts?
> > When you say they seem to be related to #7910, what makes you think that?
> > I realise there is a mix of 32 and 64-bit objects in those list of error
> > messages, but I think the reasons for #7910 are pretty well understood -
> > Flint does not properly reconise Japp's processor. Flint believes the
> > processor is a 486 (i.e. 32-bit) and so offers no 64-bit ABI.
> > I can't see any connection myself.
> flint -> mpir
> Japp -> Jaap :-)
> But I agree. Can't see a connection.
> Jaap
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