On Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 10:07:33 AM UTC-7, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> Hello, 
> > Since we can already detect doctests, and among those we can already 
> detect 
> > the various doctest flags, we should be able to hide those flags. The 
> > blocks are a different situation. If we insist that TESTS blocks are 
> always 
> > the last thing in the docstring, I can imagine it working. 
> There are cases where this would be wrong: I saw some code whose 
> 'references' appeared after a test block. However, that should not be 
> very hard to check manually, so that we could make sure that we first 
> fix all such occurrences. 

Okay, http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19503 skips TESTS blocks when doing 
introspection ("sage: foo?"). It optionally skips them when building the 
reference manual, but I think that the default should be to include them: 
the reference manual should err toward having too much rather than too 

I haven't touched the doctesting flags like "not tested". Even though they 
are brief and might be confusing, I could imagine cases where their lack 
could be even more confusing. We should instead add something to the 
tutorial about how to interpret our doctests.


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