On Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 2:20:39 AM UTC-7, Martin R wrote:
> Here goes the new minimal non working example.
> (I would use setup.py, if I knew how and if I knew that it would cure this 
> problem)
> Thanks for any help!
> Martin
> ######## minimal.py ############
> import sage.all
> import pyximport; pyximport.install();
> from minimal_pyx import minimal_fun
> print(minimal_fun())
> ######## end minimal.py ############
> ######## minimal_pyx.pyx ############
> from sage.all import *
> def minimal_fun():
>     A = AlternatingSignMatrix([ [0,1,0], [1,-1,1],[0,1,0]])
>     return str(map(list, A.to_matrix()))
> ######## end minimal_pyx.pyx ############
> ImportError: Building module sage.modules.vector_real_double_dense failed: 
> ["CompileError: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1\n"]
The joys of run time imports. I don't think this is the game of 
whack-a-mole you want to play. Obviously, sage imports are generally *NOT* 
suitable to be executed with the pyximport hook active. So, you have to 
make sure all the imports you need are done *before* you install the hook. 
"sage.all" takes care of a lot, but there are plenty of imports in sage 
that are done only when they are needed (to save start-up time in general). 
I wonder how bad things crash when you start using symbolics.

In this case, you can just work your way down the failures. It looks to me 

import sage.all
import sage.modules.vector_real_double_dense
import sage.modules.vector_complex_double_dense
import pyximport; pyximport.install();
from minimal_pyx import minimal_fun

works, but I don't see a way of predicting beforehand what imports you need.

It may still be that a mild redesign of the sage build process might make 
it suitable for pyximport, or alternatively that with some extra 
customization pyximport can be made to work in a sage environment. However, 
it looks to me it's trying to compile *way* too much.

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