> Okay, now I have
> class SuperCommutativeAlgebrasWithBasis(SuperModulesCategory):
>     # Imitating topological_space.py:
>     _base_category_class = (SuperAlgebrasWithBasis,)
>     def example(self, alphabet = ('a','b','c')):
>         from 
> sage.categories.examples.super_commutative_algebras_with_basis import 
> Example
>         return Example(self.base_ring(), alphabet)
> Then I have this problem:
> sage: SCAB = SuperCommutativeAlgebrasWithBasis(QQ)
> sage: SCAB.example()
> NotImplemented
> Why?

That is because of this:

sage: type(SCAB)

Now why that is happening, I do not exactly know. It probably has to do 
with the fact that you do not have a functor construction, e.g., a 
SuperCommutative attribute linking to this class, in 
SuperAlgebrasWithBasis. For instance, in Sets(), there is an attribute 
Topological that links to TopologicalSpaces. There is also a method 
Topological that calls return "TopologicalSpacesCategory.category_of(self)" 
in the SubcategoryMethods so all its subcategories can construct the 
appropriate subcategory, but that is a bit tangential.

IMO, proper way to implement this is as a CategoryWithAxiom as a part of 
SuperAlgebras[WithBasis]. So you add a class 
"Commutative(CategoryWithAxiom_over_base_ring)" to the 
SuperAlgebras[WithBasis] category and do the normal category implementation 
stuff there.

> An implementation question: separately from having a category of super 
> commutative algebras, I could imagine wanting the option to use a tensor 
> product of graded algebras which includes a sign in the product:
>     (x1 tensor y1) (x2 tensor y2) = (-1)^(deg y1 deg x2) (x1 x2 tensor y1 
> y2)
> even if neither tensor factor is itself (graded) commutative. How would 
> this be implemented? Define a new tensor product? And then somehow label 
> the category in which the algebra lives to tell it to use that tensor 
> product? Or define an axiom? (Are axioms worth using? I have run into 
> problems with inheritance with axioms.)
> This is a bit of a tricky issue. Of course, you could define a new 
TensorProducts category that implements a product_on_basis with this 
version (see AlgebrasWithBasis.TensorProducts.ParentMethods). If the tensor 
product parent was in that category (likely just being a 
CombinatorialFreeModule), then it should work out of the box. I am not sure 
this fits the criteria to be an axiom (but they are definitely worth using 
in the appropriate circumstances). The can of worms comes out when you want 
a natural way to construct that parent in that category. Plus a good name 
will be needed, but I guess the natural place would be part of the 
SuperAlgebras.Commutative.TensorProducts category.


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