Quick tentative, not smooth:

from sage.misc.package import *

def digraph_spkg():
    opts = {}

    local = opts.pop('local', False)
    ignore_URLError = opts.pop('ignore_URLError', False)
    exclude_pip = opts.pop('exclude_pip', False)
    if opts:
        raise ValueError("{} are not valid options".format(sorted(opts)))

    installed = installed_packages(exclude_pip)

    pkgs = {}

    for p in os.listdir(SAGE_PKGS):
            f = open(os.path.join(SAGE_PKGS, p, "dependencies"))
        except IOError:
            # Probably an empty directory => ignore

        with f:
            deps = f.read().splitlines()[0].strip()

        if 'no dependencies' in deps:
        if 'not a real package' in deps:
        pkgs[p] = [u for u in deps.split() if u != "|" ]

    return DiGraph(pkgs)

Le mardi 29 janvier 2019 19:45:07 UTC+1, Dima Pasechnik a écrit :
> Has anyone written code to compute it? 
> (and create a Sage graph out of it, maybe) 

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