On Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 3:14:32 PM UTC+9, tsc...@ucdavis.edu wrote:
> I believe there is a Heisenbug in src/sage/rings/function_field/ideal.py. 
> Here is a specific test that can sometimes fail:
> sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(GF(3^2)); R.<t> = K[]
> sage: F.<y> = K.extension(t^3 + t^2 - x^4)
> sage: Oinf = F.maximal_order_infinite()
> sage: I = Oinf.ideal(1/y)
> sage: I.factor()   # This will sometimes fail
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last
> )
> I suspect people without meataxe will not have this failure. 

Perhaps true. I must be the person who ran this test most number of times 
and I never encountered this failure. 

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