Do you have phc installed on your computer? The error message says that there is no 'phc' command available...

(I was not able to install phcpack so I can not properly test the interface)

On 26/07/2017 17:15, 'Peter Mueller' via sage-support wrote:
Trying the example from the doc of phc results in:

sage: from sage.interfaces.phc import phc
sage: R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(CDF,2)
sage: testsys = [x^2 + 1, x*y - 1]
sage: phc.mixed_volume(testsys)
ExceptionPexpect                          Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-ca20607a9185> in <module>()
----> 1 phc.mixed_volume(testsys)

in mixed_volume(self, polys, verbose)
     758             4
     759         """
--> 760         output_filename = self._output_from_command_list(['phc
-m','4','n','n','n'], polys, verbose = verbose)
     762         out = open(output_filename).read()

in _output_from_command_list(self, command_list, polys, verbose)
     453         # Create a phc process
--> 454         child_phc = pexpect.spawn(command_list[0])
     455         # feed it the commands
     456         child_phc.sendline('y')

in __init__(self, command, args, timeout, maxread, searchwindowsize,
logfile, cwd, env, ignore_sighup, echo, preexec_fn, encoding, codec_errors,
196 = '<pexpect factory incomplete>'
     197         else:
--> 198             self._spawn(command, args, preexec_fn, dimensions)
     200     def __str__(self):

in _spawn(self, command, args, preexec_fn, dimensions)
     269         if command_with_path is None:
     270             raise ExceptionPexpect('The command was not found or
was not ' +
--> 271                     'executable: %s.' % self.command)
     272         self.command = command_with_path
273 self.args[0] = self.command

ExceptionPexpect: The command was not found or was not executable: phc.

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