On Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 4:02:33 PM UTC+1, Christian Stump wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I generate, in a fast enough way, connected graphs for which the 
> clique complex is pure, ie, for which all containmentwise maximal cliques 
> are of the same size ?

I would ask on http://mailman.anu.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/nauty

> Fast enough here means that I can produce examples of such graphs with 20 
> vertices,  edge degrees between 10 and 14 (an example of such a graph on 
> diagonals in a regular 7-gon with edges being pairwise noncrossing 
> diagonals and the resulting clique complex the dual associahedron of 
> dimension 4).
> What I got so far is:
> from sage.graphs.independent_sets import IndependentSets
> for G in graphs.nauty_geng("20 -c -d10 -D14"):
>     cliques = IndependentSets(G, maximal = True, complement = True)
>     sizes = map(len,cliques)
>     size_min = min(sizes)
>     if size_min > 4:
>         size_max = max(sizes)
>         if size_min == size_max:
>             print list(cliques)
> But this seems to be too slow, already because it takes too long for this 
> to turn the graph6 string from nauty into a sage graph.
> Does someone know how I can do this computation more low-level? Best would 
> clearly be to teach nauty to only iter through such graphs, but that does 
> not seem to be possible...
> Thanks, Christian

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