
I'm working on a project that reads an assembler file and converts that to 
sage to help verify that the math the assembler is doing is correct. It's 
to verify cryptographic implementations. Sage is only part of the 
verification, other properties are checked using SMT.

What I did so far translate an assembler file like this:
movabs $0x7fffffffffffffe0,%rax
xor    %edx,%edx
movabs $0x7fffffffffffffc0,%rcx
sub    (%rsi),%rcx
add    %rcx,(%rdi)
mov    %rax,%rcx
adc    %rdx,0x8(%rdi)

And turn that into:
R.<out_0, out_1, out_2, out_3, out_4, out_5, out_6, out_7, out_8, out_9, 
out_10, out_11, out_12, out_13, out_14, out_15, out_16, out_17, in_0, in_1, 
in_2, in_3, in_4, in_5, in_6, in_7, in_8> = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 27)
v2 = 9223372036854775776
v3 = 0
v4 = 9223372036854775744
v5 = v4 - in_0
v6 = (v5 + out_0) % 2^64
out_0_out = v6
v7 = (v5 + out_0) // 2^64
v8 = (v3 + out_1 + v7) % 2^64
out_1_out = v8
v9 = (v3 + out_1 + v7) // 2^64

v2 and v4 are the first 2 movabs, v3 is the xor.
v5 is the sub, which SMT will check doesn't underflow

v6 and v7 are the first add. In the processor all integers are 64 bit, so 
v5 and out_0 can be up to 64 bit. v6 then contains the lower 64 bit, and v7 
contains the carry.

The adc is than an add with carry, so the v7 is used to calculate v8 and v9.

At the end I have this:
in_ = in_0 + in_1 * 2^58 + in_2 * 2^116 + in_3 * 2^174 + in_4 * 2^232 + 
in_5 * 2^290 + in_6 * 2^348 + in_7 * 2^406 + in_8 * 2^464
out = out_0 + out_1 * 2^64 + (out_2 + out_3 * 2^64) * 2^58 + (out_4 + out_5 
* 2^64) * 2^116 + (out_6 + out_7 * 2^64) * 2^174 + (out_8 + out_9 * 2^64) * 
2^232 + (out_10 + out_11 * 2^64) * 2^290 + (out_12 + out_13 * 2^64) * 2^348 
+ (out_14 + out_15 * 2^64) * 2^406 + (out_16 + out_17 * 2^64) * 2^464
out_out = out_0_out + out_1_out * 2^64 + (out_2_out + out_3_out * 2^64) * 
2^58 + (out_4_out + out_5_out * 2^64) * 2^116 + (out_6_out + out_7_out * 
2^64) * 2^174 + (out_8_out + out_9_out * 2^64) * 2^232 + (out_10_out + 
out_11_out * 2^64) * 2^290 + (out_12_out + out_13_out * 2^64) * 2^348 + 
(out_14_out + out_15_out * 2^64) * 2^406 + (out_16_out + out_17_out * 2^64) 
* 2^464
assert out_out % (2^521-1) == (out - in_) % (2^521-1)

The function works in mod 2^251-1, and calculates out=out - in. in and out 
are the variables as they're passed in, out_out the out variable at the 
function exit. out_out is supposed to be what the assembler generated. And 
I want to verify that that out_out really contains out-in mod 2^251-1.

If you want to know more details about this function, it's this C function: 

But there are various problems with this. If you put that into sage you get:


-in_0 + 9223372036854775744

out_0 + 18446744073709551615*in_0 + 9223372036854775744


out_1 + 18446744073709551615*in_0


So sage turns -in_0 into (2^64-1)*in_0, which is not what I want. The 
result % 2^64 is correct, but sage seems to have lost the knowledge that 
it's % 2^64.

To avoid that, a "negone" variable was added, "- in0" was replaced by "+ 
negone * in_0", and the assert turned negone into -1, which makes sage say 
everything is ok.

But if you do that, sage says v7, which is the carry, is 0. I don't 
understand why sage makes v7 -in_0 in the original case or 0 with the 

Does someone have a suggestion on how I can do this instead?

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