On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 1:34 AM Nils Bruin <nbr...@sfu.ca> wrote:
> What would the current (Spring 2023) easiest instructions be for people to 
> install sage? I'm asking in support of an install-fest for students, so the 
> objective is to have easy solutions for giving students access on whatever 
> platform they have available.
> I know about cloud-based solutions, so I'll definitely point them to those. 
> I'm asking for "the next step up".
> In the install advice I see:
> for OSX:
>  - binary build of SageMath (looks like an excellent solution)
> - https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/sage (would be a great place to point 
> students to, because it's a rich environment for computational software). 
> However: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/sage seems to indicate that various 
> architecture-specific builds are woefully outdated: "noarch" seems to be on 
> point, but the architecture-specific ones seem stuck on 9.2. Am I reading the 
> info wrong? Obviously I don't want to point people to 9.2 installs.
> for windows:
>  - OK WSL; that's great. However, it looks like Ubuntu would be the easiest 
> linux distribution to get and as far as I can see, Ubuntu has 9.5 packaged at 
> most? That's not great either.
>  - conda: see above
> for linux:
>  - same thing.
>  - conda: see above.

there are linux distributions with up to date Sage:
see https://repology.org/project/sagemath/versions



Fedora Rawhide

And Gentoo and Nix - although it's trickier.

Archlinux may be run in WSL: https://github.com/yuk7/ArchWSL
Fedora as well:
In fact, Microsoft says anything Linux in a Docker can be used on WSL:

Also, there is Docker, which can run CoCalc:
as well as stock SageMath https://hub.docker.com/u/sagemath

> So is building from source the only way nowadays? That's sad. I'm fine doing 
> that for myself, but for an installfest, that's really not feasible. Probably 
> some machines will go in thermal meltdown as a result! Or should I just send 
> them to 9.2 and 9.5 etc.
> Also: if students want to use packages like normaliz, can they install those 
> on binary installs? When I do it on source-built versions, it triggers 
> extensive recompilation.
> --
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