Le mercredi 13 décembre 2023 à 12:35:42 UTC+1, Philippe Delavalade a écrit :


I'm using sage-10.2 with linux (slint-15.0 based on slackware 15.0) on the 

When I run 
p=plot(x^2); p 
there is no graphics on the screen, just the line 
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive 

Is something missing in my configuration ?

Maybe : WorksForMe(TM) on Debian testing installed from source. How did you 
obtain your installation ?

Moreover, in help(plot), the command sphinx_plot is often used but on my 
machine I obtain 
NameError: name 'sphinx_plot' is not defined

Googling sagemath sphinx_plot leads you to the General conventions 
<https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/developer/coding_basics.html> chapter of 
the Sage developer Guide 
<https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/developer/index.html>, where it appears 
that this function is part of the Sphinx system of documentation 
(especially the mechanisms extracting viewable/printable documentation from 
Python docstrings).

This function appears to trigger the output of (some relevant form of) 
graphics in the desired documentation. Since help gives you a *text* form 
of the docstring, which does not have any useful form of graphics, what you 
get in the output is the (unexecuted) function call.

A complete explanation probably exists in the Sphinx documentation, which 
I’m currently too lazy to chase on the ‘Net…


Thanks for help. 



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