The New York Sun
February 12, 2003
Iraqi Dissident Pachachi Rejects Israel
Staff Reporter of the Sun

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration's planning for a post-Saddam Iraq
includes working with an 80-yearold fervent Arab nationalist who has said he
is "unable to accept" the existence of Israel, called for Iraq and Syria to
unite into "one great Arab state," and who has praised Nikita Khrushchev.

The democratic Iraqi opposition to Saddam has long complained about American
courting of Adnan Pachachi, who had once been reportedly favored by Martin
Indyk, an assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs in the Clinton

Mr. Pachachi was Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations from 1959 to 1965
and from 1967 to 1969. He served as foreign minister from 1965 to 1967.

In his 1991 memoir, "Iraq's Voice at the United Nations, 1959-1969: A
Personal Record," he wrote that the "basic injustice" at the heart of the
Balfour Declaration "was so glaring and obvious that after 60 years I am
still unable to accept it."

"I have always retained a soft spot for Khrushchev because of his
wholehearted support for the Arab position," Mr. Pachachi, who publicly
opposed the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act, wrote.

Mr. Pachachi said he was "well known in Kuwait" for his "stout defense of
Iraq's claim [to Kuwait] in the Security Council in 1961 and my successful
efforts to prevent the efforts of Kuwait to U.N. membership from 1961 to
1963." He publicly renounced his view that Iraq had a claim to Kuwait at a
conference in 1999.

He also wrote in 1991: "Whatever the outcome of the Kuwait crisis, the Arabs
must continue their efforts to build a credible military alternative.the
first imperative step toward reaching this goal is to achieve unity between
Iraq and Syria. Without the unity of these two countries, the Arabs can
never successfully resist Israel's armed might."

Mr. Bush's special envoy for free Iraqis, Zalmay Khalilzad, was to meet with
Mr. Pachachi yesterday, the New York Times reported. Calls to the National
Security Council seeking comment were not returned.

In testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations yesterday, the
undersecretary of state for political affairs, Marc Grossman, and the
undersecretary of defense for policy, Douglas Feith, said America would turn
over control of a liberated Iraq to Iraqis as soon as possible.

A senior administration official told the Daily Telegraph yesterday that
Ahmad Chalabi would lead a post-Saddam Iraq.

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