I'm about to test samba 3.0 (on RH Linux 9.0) as a replacement for our 
windows NT 4.0 Domain Controller. We already run samba 2.2 on another 
machine (RH linux 7.3) and that system does all of our fileserving (+1TB).

My question is this: is there anything bad about combining samba as a 
domain controller and samba as a fileserver? Or should we have a samba DC 
on one system, and the samba fileserver on a different system? I'm leaning 
towards seperating the two systems, but I'd like a more concrete reason to 
do so than a feeling. 

Any tips or ideas? Does samba 3.0 as a domain controller need a lot of 
/etc/init.d/smb -stop and -starts? If so, then I don't want to put that on 
our fileserver.

Thanks in advance,


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